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Uniform / Black Belt Care

Uniform / Do-gi Cleaning

It is recommended that TOKAIDO uniforms be washed after every wearing in cold water with a a neutral, non alkaline laundry detergent.  After washing immediately hang up to line dry.

Step by step.

1. Turn your do-gi inside out for more effective cleaning.

    (This can also help prevent discoloration from sweat.)

2. Wash your do -gi by itself (no other clothes) after every use in COLD water only.

3. Use a “neutral “(ph 6.5 to 7.5) non-alkaline detergent.

4. If possible, add a second rinse cycle or stronger rinse setting to wash away any remaining        detergent after washing.

5. Immediately after washing hang it up inside your home to dry to avoid UV rays "sunburn" damage and wrinkles. 

If you follow these steps your uniform will stay clean and last for many years.

In addition, with the Made in Japan do-gi, the cotton will become stronger and softer.


Please enjoy this video made by TOKAIDO in Japan on how to wash your do-gi.




Black Belt Care

If your belt is dirty then we recommend hand-washing with mild detergent in cold water. As with the uniform, hang it out to line dry immediately after washing.